Make it stand out
So full of life!
We hit Missiouri with a vengeance! We met up with the Trower family at Barnabas Prep and the campus was GORGEOUS!! Branson, Missouri, itself, was gorgeous! We hopped out the car and the first thing we heard was "Izzy!" I stopped in my tracks and started looking around for my little deviant princess! That's when I realized I didnt have the only Izzy in the world.
Isabel (Also Izzy) reminded me so much of my kiddo. She was full of life, confidence, happiness and joy! I asked Izzy, "Hey, so are you comfortable in front of a camera? Have you ever modeled in the big times like this before?" I kid you not, she half grinned and asked "where do you wanna start?"
Izzy has attended Barnabas Prep, where she has a tremendous amount of fiends there that support her and welcome her entirely! She showed us around her campus and some of her favorite places there and we even took a short walk through the woods! Professional modeling can be exhausting and builds quite the appetite. So we headed to downtown Branson for some incredible Mexican cuisine! We laughed and laughed as we sat around the table!
We were able to talk about both of our Izzy's, our goals, military careers, life's ups and downs, all of it. We definitely made life long friends out of this shoot and the greatest thing about all of it?!
It was all in the celebration of Down Syndrome!